
Welcome to Absolutely Plants

Why this blog was started On Friday 25 January 2019, a gathering of around one hundred people attended a presentation in the SelectHealth Auditorium, St. George, Utah, given by Alberto Brizolara MD. His subject, ’ What You Need to Know About Eating a Plant Based Diet ’, was part of the IHC (Intermountain Healthcare) outreach series of LiVe Well lectures. I was invited to give my testimony about the new life I have enjoyed after I had independently adopted the same dietary rĂ©gime that Dr. Brizolara advocates. At the end of the presentation, I was asked many questions that confirmed the old adage that the hardest part of any job is getting started. One of the attendees approached me afterwards and said, “ Thank you for being such a wonderful example to us all. ” I was astounded and somewhat embarrassed: nobody has ever said that to me before throughout my whole life. Really! I am more used to notoriety than I am to celebrity. Notoriety imposes no responsibilities, but that kind la